Prettyman Hall

Towson University

Prettyman Hall a co-ed residence hall is composed predominately of double rooms with a few three-person capacity rooms arranged along a corridor. Rooms are equipped with beds, mirrors, dressers, desks, carpeting, chairs and venetian blinds. Each floor has community bathrooms on the corridor, as well as a kitchen/study area. Public areas include a large lobby, various study and music rooms and a recreation room. This building accommodates 160 students. Prettyman Hall, is named for Elijah Barrett Prettyman, principal of the Normal School from 1890 to 1904.

Named after: Elijah Barrett Prettyman

Elijah Barrett Prettyman

Photo of E. Barrett Prettyman
Elijah Barrett Prettyman

E. Barrett Prettyman was born in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, on February 20, 1830.  After graduating  from Dickinson College, he began his teaching career at West River in Anne Arundel County.  Prettyman then went on to become the Principal of the Brookeville Academy where he remained for eleven years.  In 1890 he was appointed as the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and Principal of the Maryland State Normal School.  In 1894, Prettyman was awarded an honorary Doctor's degree by his Alma Mater.

While he was principal, the Normal School extended its course of study to three years.  Until 1896 he served simultaneously as State Superintendent of Schools and played a role in raising teacher standards.  He also respected the initiative and individuality of his teachers and did not interfere with their respective principles of teaching.  Dr. Prettyman enlarged the buildings of the Normal School and increased the offerings in the subjects of vocal music and manual training.

In 1905, Dr. Prettyman handed over the duties as administrator of the State Normal School to Dr. George W. Ward.  Prettyman died at his home in Rockville, Maryland, during December of 1907.

Towson University Archives Record 4/02/02  Box 1 "Prettyman."
    includes an excerpt form "Autobiography of an Obscure Man at Age Forty," a biography of Prettyman, and a newspaper clipping.

Walker, Charles.  "Principals and Presidents: The Legacy of Leadership."  Towson State University Special Edition 1979.

Building Information

Prettyman hall built in 1957 consists of 35,888 gross sf. and 23,101 accessory sf. Replacement costs in 2000 is estimated at $5,04,395. The Towson University has 3,727,592 sf of building and 1,941,435 accessory sf for a 2000 replacement cost of $503,532,783. Towson University campus is comprised of 328 acres The campus has a total of 6,643 parking spaces.

Prettyman and Scarborough Halls on-campus residences have a capacity of 160 students each. A new fire suppression system was installed in each building to improve student safety.

Towson University website

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wikipedia - Elijah Barrett Prettyman
Wayback Machine, the internet archive
Prettyman Hall in the movies
The Curve

CLICK FOR THE CURVE While on break, actors Matthew Lillard (Scream) and Michael Vartan (The Myth of fingerprints) play a game of "Earthball" with director Dan Rosen (out of frame),outside of Prettyman Hall on August 13, 1997.
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