The Bacton Manor House


Bacton, Suffolk County, England

Here, the record states, that a John Pratyman owned land in 1361; that a William Pratyman was in charge of Bacton Manor in 1413; that another William Pratyman purchased Bacton Manor in 1586. The Bacton Manor House then became home of the Prettymans, and ever since then has been owned by Pretymans. It is now the property of Major George M. T. Pretyman of Orwell Park House, Ispwich. Mr. Creasy Gooderham, the manager for Major Pretyman, lives in Manor House.... The building is of brick construction, having been rebuilt before 1732 by a George Pretyman. It is the third manor house on the present site and the first one was surrounded by a deep moat. The gable, in front of the house, shows the Pretyman Coat-of-Arms in color, together with those of three families into which the Pretymans have married. The interior of the house is beautifully panelled. Both the house and the grounds are in excellent condition.

In the early days the manor changed hands frequently. In 1539 it belonged to the Crown, and King Henry VIII held court there that year. Queen Anne of Cleves, the divorced wife of King Henry VIII, was the "Lady of the Manor" in 1553. After her death in 1557, King Phillip and Queen Mary held Court there, followed by Queen Elizabeth I in 1558. After passing through five other ownerships, it was sold to William Pretyman in 1586.

"The Prettyman Family, in England and America" by Reverent Edgar Cannon Prettyman

Additional links:
Prettyman Cottages
The Manor House Christian Rest Home
Bacton, Suffolk - Wikipedia
The Prettymans of Lewes
Manor House, Bacton, Suffolk, Wikemedia Commons
Manor House Christian Rest Home, Bacton British Listed Buildings

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